No Escape From Futility!

Abhimanyu Mishra
2 min readDec 25, 2020
Credit: Clark-oung on Unsplash

I look at nature
Nature deceives me.

I celebrate nature, but
Love explores the pain.

I watch many a face
All appear with vacuous smiles.

I can’t fully express what I feel
Not all lovely but poignant outbursts.

I gently touch the flowers in a moonlit night
But the thorns stretch my hands out in vain.

I move on a path emerge for a day or two
A stormy wind wipes away all my footprints.

My days manufacturing dust
While I pay homage to my sincerity.

Destiny continues to retain her innocence
While I’m anxious to assert my commitment.

The slightest I weigh and consider
The least I find in talk and discourse.

What I believe, armed with reason
Easily refuted and taken for granted.

I do contradict today and comprehend tomorrow
The window of the world closes all the golden gates.

I quest for sanity and beauty of every form
What appeals to my sense does hardly here exist.

The delicate curves of my sensitive soul
Oh! Brings no light to dispel the darkness.

My holy rhymes betray, not all serious affliction
Impatience is measured and isolation revealed.

I seize the paper, and pen paints my mood
With parting moments and sentimental slush.

I’ve still been trying to perceive what’s good and evil
Dwelling upon my features, struggling to distinguish the appetite from aversion.

Naked soul shivers under the demanding precincts of fashion
There’s a shroud of sadness and greater challenges to the ethos of my day.

Let alone the poetry of inclusion
Bring the soul-baring solace!

